I finished my February Lady Sweater last week and washed and blocked it this weekend. Overall I'm happy with how it came out, but I think I was a little too generous with the sizing. It feels big on me. On the plus side, my mom came by today and she tried it on. It fits her better than it fits me, and she loved it, so it may become a Christmas gift for her.
Pattern: February Lady Sweater by Pamela Wynne
Yarn: Socks That Rock Heavyweight in Beached
Size: 44 inch
Needle: Addi Turbo Lace size 8
Mods: I did kf&b instead of the eyelet yo's in the yoke. I added 6 extra rows of garter stitch after the "eyelet increase" row. In retrospect it was too many.
I will definitely knit this sweater again but will go down 2 sizes.