June has been another whirlwind month for my family! In my last post I told you that my mother had been very ill. I am happy to finally be able to share that after nearly 7 weeks in the hospital, my mom went home last Friday. The last several days have been filled with home evaluations and making sure all the services she needs to be successful at home, and STAY there, are in place. Success!!! I can finally take a deep breath and feel comfortable that all is going to be ok :-)
We also had a couple of big celebrations! Saturday my nephew Taylor married the love of his life, Vanessa. What a wonderful person she is and we are all so very pleased that she and Taylor will be making a life together. Welcome to our family Vanessa! I think you know that we already love you! The most incredible thing happened at their reception. Shortly after they arrived and a thundershower had passed, a double rainbow formed over Lake Winnepesaukee, where the reception was held. With a moment like that, how can their life together be anything but perfect?!? (If you are friends with me on Facebook, I shared the picture that the photographer took of them under it. It's stunning!)
My middle son, Justin who is on the left in this picture, celebrated his 21st Birthday on Sunday! Crazy! I'm not exactly sure how it's possible that 21 years have passed since he was born, but shockingly it has. He's a great kid and I'm proud to be his mom :-)
In knitting news, I recently knit Vancouver by Samantha Roshak, aka KnitQuest, as a sample for Blue Moon Fiber Arts. It's knit with their BFL Sport which is just fabulous. (I might have some in my stash, enough for a sweater even. I just need to decided on a pattern) This spent a lot of time with me at the various hospitals my mother was a patient in during May and the beginning of June. If you went to Black Sheep Gathering this year, you would have seen it in person. Be sure to look for it the next time you visit BMFA at a festival or show!
And last but certainly not least, today is our Anniversary! Tom and I have been married for 27 years. We're going to take a quick trip to Niagra Falls for the weekend. Admittedly it's part Anniversary trip and part R&R because I am just plain exhausted. I'm looking forward to it :-) It's also the beginning of vacation of us, so hopefully there will be lots of R&R over the next 10 days!
Have a great weekend! And say a little prayer that the house will still be standing when we get home. The boys are staying home alone together for the first time.....
PS- Is it bad that I spent more time deciding what to bring for knitting that I did clothes? It's a 9 hour drive. I have 2 partial socks and my Vodka Lemonade packed. I hope it's enough :-)